Stress can be defined as nature?s way of letting you know that your mind and body have had enough. In the case of stress, forces present in the outside world affect the individual in an adverse manner. People tend to respond to stress in many ways.
These responses, in turn, affect both the individual and the environment in different ways. This is the reason that all living beings constantly interchange with their surroundings in terms of behavior as well as physically.
There are major differences in the way a living creature relates to the environment. These differences play an important role in the survival of an individual.
A lot of stress experienced in daily life can make one think negatively or take stress as a negative experience. However, experts feel that biologically stress can be either of the below:
- Negative experience
- Positive experience
- Neutral experience
Generally, stress is associated with internal as well as external factors. The internal factors include your body?s capacity to respond to stress-producing factors, your body?s ability to deal with external factors that induce stress.
The external factors include the following:
- The physical environment
- Your job
- Your relationship with people around you
- Your home
- Challenges
- Difficulties
- Expectations
- Obstructions
The internal factors tend to put an impact on your ability to handle stress. The nutrition that you get, your health, level of fitness, emotional state, and amount of sleep, and rest you get are responsible for your ability to handle stress.
Stress has known to result in evolutionary change. Experts feel that the species that tend to adapt the best to major causes of stress survived. These evolved into the planet and different animal kingdoms we get to see around us.
The human being is considered to be the most adaptive creature existing on this planet. This is because of the evolution of the human brain and the important part known as the neo-cortex existed. This adaptability is contributed by the transformation and stressors that one has suffered and mastered.
- Stress and Its Function
As soon as we come across something that upsets us in a certain manner that scares, makes angry, nervous, sad, or pissed-off, a portion of your brain just out stress hormones inside the body. These hormones bring about certain changes in your body. You can feel your heart beating faster, palms sweat, and give your knots in your stomach.
There are several bad effects of stress on your body. You can suffer from bad health. Too much stress can make you feel lousy and induce negativity. You will feel unhappy about everything that happens around you.
The stress hormones in your body will make you feel upset. Stress can also result in mental and a lot of physical strain. You may also suffer from headaches, irritability, tensions, and in severe cases, heart palpitations.
You should take special care to keep yourself away from stress as far as possible. Take counseling sessions to come out of stress creating situations.